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Monday, November 14, 2011

I Know Now - Michael

I knew then that foreign language is a jumble of nonsense words,
I know now, I just can’t understand it.

I knew then that everyone in the world had food to eat,
I know now, that many people are hungry.

I knew then that water is clean an available with the turn of a knob,
I know now, that it can be dirty, disease spreading, and a mile away.

I knew then that all starry skies are the same,
I know now, that they aren’t.

I knew then that milk comes from cows,
I know now, that each glass must first be squeezed from udders.

I knew then few people ride public transport,
I know now, buses are always crammed.

I knew then that 1,000,000 Rwandans were killed
I know now, that there is so much forgiveness.



  1. Michael- you have always amazed me :-) Meg and Dan- you should be very proud of your awesome boys! We miss you guys!!!
    The Jorricks

  2. Wonderful words Michael. It brings it all flooding back. Rwanda seems another world away...and yet so real. Stay in touch. Paul, Nicole, Daniel and Theo

  3. Beautifully written! We are thinking of all of you and wonder how the Folta family is doing! We miss you!
    Mike, Sue, Peter, Johannah, Andrew & Stephen P.

  4. Profound, Michael, you are learning many valuable lessons of Mrs. Cowee

  5. I know now, why your mother wanted to take you away to a place so far away from US.
