So much has happened since we have last posted..its not easy to keep up. We have moved out of our house in the city to a house with land for animals and a beautiful view. Though pretty, it has had its challenges as we have not been able to establish solar power to run our fridge and are having to come to town every day for power and internet to continue homeschooling. With more space we have expanded our family with our Molly- golden lab, ever growing in size and lovability, our 7 week old kitten, Kibby (Kinyarwandan for sunset) and her mama, 2 cows and 1calf. Big learning curve. We are making yogurt daily (no fridge) and are looking forward to learning cheesemaking (with fridge). Rwanda has a 1 cow 1 family policy but cows are not allowed to freely graze so the cows have to stay in their pens for most of the time. I wouldn't include cockroaches here, but they came with the house and they are big and take up too much space!
Mt. Kigali -Nathan

Not knowing where to start, we took our own path up, passing through tall skinny eucalyptus trees and crossing deep hand- dug trenches (these are to prevent erosion). The hillside was steep and rocky, and it was a difficult climb. We ascended rapidly, the view becoming more and more spectacular looking over the city and beyond.

Hiking away from the camp we found some eucalyptus trees, junipers, and some others, including one interesting tree that had long, pointy, stiff leaves, and palm treelike trunks. It grew in columns, branching out of the main body.
Climbing Kabuye -Michael
It took an hour and a half to drive through the hills of northern Rwanda. Being a small country of 10,200sq mi, it takes only a few hours to access almost anywhere within its borders. Most of the main roads are paved and the driving is smooth—apart from dodging walking people and mini-bus taxis along the windy roads.
We drove as far as possible and left the car at the middle sized town of Kabuye. Rwandans gathered around offering to watch our car and to guide us to the top, for a little money—of course. None of them knew English or French so we picked one who spoke the best Swahili (East Africa’s trade language) to communicate through dad who knew Swahili from Kenya. We brought backpacks, water, lunch, and rain jackets because the clouds were as large and dramatic as the hills below. I also brought my tripod and telephoto lens, which I never used. I found my 18-55mm lens to work well for landscapes and close-ups.
The road went only a little ways from the town and soon morphed into a small foot path. Many narrow paths spread across the hills between fields and huts, some following contours, some zigzagging through fields, and others climbing straight up the hill. We took one that directly ascended Kabuye . It was very steep. Foot-wide steps were cut into sections of the path, but other parts were rutted by the heavy, sporadic rains. A group of around 8-10 joined us as we hiked. We learned new Kinyarwanda words and counted in Kinyarwanda as we hiked. As a sign of friendship, some hiked with us hand in hand.
Because the land is so hilly, cultivating the steep sides is the farming technique. Within the first hour of hiking we saw the difficulty of growing crops on the steep slopes and a realistic idea of how hard it is for the farmers to survive. Also, we saw many children bringing up water from the valley or a nearby spring each day.
I hiked with my camera around my neck. I felt like a wealthy tourist at first, and out of place with the poor farmers. (I wonder if we will ever be able to overcome that barrier). Our guide and friends we picked up enjoyed having their picture taken and seeing it on the 2” screen.
The top two-thirds of the mountain was wooded with eucalyptus trees and the ground covered 3” deep with moss. The bare ground was moist and slippery. Our friends found some bamboo poles for us to use as walking sticks. From the top we could look down on the fields and lower hills, almost directly below us. It was somewhat of a hazy day and the hills gradually faded away. In the distance we could see the shapes of a few volcanoes further north on the border of Congo.
Our many guides along with some children that had joined us along the way led us down a different way and showed us a cave at the base of a cliff of rock. It large -20 feet back.
From there we descended the hill until we reached a path, and came back through the fields and huts to the car, arriving just as the last light was fading. In all, it took us five hours round trip.
Vervets Monkeys -Daniel
One day we were climbing Mount Kigali (more like Hill Kigali, it only took us about 1 hour to climb it) and saw our first wild monkeys, at least it was Nathan and my first time. They were vervets. Some were playing and jumping from tree to tree; they can jump really far. A couple of them came down a tree to the ground about twenty feet away from me.
Vervets are very good climbers, jumpers and swimmers. They are not only good swimmers but they can swim under water for long periods of time. They are very keen on grooming themselves; they can spend several hours a day grooming to get all the dirt and old fur off. There is a pecking order that controls feeding, fighting, mating, friendships and even survival. Vervets rub their cheeks or chins on trees or rocks to mark their territory. It releases a strong scent so that other monkeys can know to stay away.
Since climbing Mount Kigali, I have seen several other vervets. We have seen them hiking out of town near the house we are in now. I enjoy looking for them when we go hiking.
Hey guys!!! I have been thinking about you all often and wondering how you are all doing!!! GET FACEBOOK!! LOL. We are well here in Wisconsin but missing home in Rwanda. I was very happy to find your blog and it was great to read from all of you!!!! Wish we could chat to catch up Meg! We can chat through Facebook if you get at it.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!!! Hello and love to the boys!! And Dan! See you soon!