Motorcycles whiz in and out of cars like mosquitoes, buses honk and nose in front of you, trucks leave a black trail of smelly fumes behind them, and pedestrians scurry across the streets. Driving in Kigali is CRAZY.
These buses usually travel from city to city, and are almost always cram-packed each way. They are the monsters who control the intercity roads.
Now these are the monsters of the city. The 'matatu' buses are privately owned, and some are run by businesses. But there are too many of them, they clog up the roads, and cause a lot of accidents.
Some of them have cool looking paint jobs.
Even though we have a car, we sometimes take the local matatu buses, but after seeing many accidents, we try to stay away.
Taxi motos are everywhere you look. These motos, are even more common than the matatu buses for city travel.
Just hop on the back of a moto of your choice, and tell him where to go; but be sure to settle to a price beforehand, or else you may be ripped off.
Maybe he could fit one more in... somewhere...
The kids the fetch water in the mornings from the valley pump or streams, sometimes with the family's bicycle, or by foot.
No matter how hard I try, I just can't get anything (except a bean bag) to balance on my head. Africans would rather carry something on their head than carry it in their arms.
Never miss a free ride!
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