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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Lions are VERY territorial, when we get less than 15 or 20 feet to them (especially the males) they will growl and might even look at you like............................................. ......................................................................................this..........
.......or like this .....................................................................................


If a male lion enters another lion’s pride he will usually kill the all their cubs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

We were lucky to see cheetahs, especially two brothers playing, grooming, sleeping and even peeing right in front of our car! 
Cheetahs cannot roar; it sounds more like a yelp (or a lion going through puberty!).  They communicate with growling, hissing, and even spitting.

A leopard probably killed this poor antelope and dragged it up his favorite tree.  We never got to see any leopards though.  :-(

And waiting patiently on the shores are crocs with their mouths wide open (to cool themselves off).


Hippos look so friendly and nice until they simply open their mouths and show off their ginormous ugly teeth.  You can imagine how bad their breath would STINK!   
They can run up to 20 mph; even the fat ones just waddle really, really fast. 

These two brothers had some differences they needed to settle.
And they happened to settle it the way most brothers settle it………..with a fight.

Elephants communicate by making subsonic rumblings that are too low for humans to hear.  The sound can travel several miles, and is picked up by the skin on the elephants’ trunk and feet.


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